Thursday 22 March 2012


Overall i think i have worked well in this project, i have missed deadlines however i believe my work is to a good proffessional standard, i started this project by doing some basic reseach of what is a minimalist poster, by doing this i had the basic knowledge of what i was aiming to achieve. After completing exstensive research of what makes a good poster i started to look at exsisting posters, by looking at other peoples work i was aware of what sort of work can be achieved, it also set the boundary of the quality of work that can be created. Moving on i started to analyise other peoples work, by analyising other posters it gave me an insight to what proffessional posters look like, i analyised 10 proffessional posters and picked out key features that takes the poster to a proffessional level. Finally i started to skletch out some skletches in my art book, i began to generate designs based upon my Scooby Doo theme, i created many designs that i also analyised, once i had a healthy amount of designs i selected on that i wanted to use as my final design, i re-sketched that selected design and created it in Adobe Illustrator.
If i was to do this project again i would make sure i do more research to expand my knowledge on minimalist posters, i would also analyise many more posters to improve my understanding of what makes a proffessional, good, attractive minimal poster. Finally i would do more unique and artistic designs, when sketching designs i would take my time to design a proffesional eyecatching design. The reason i would do more support work is if my final design is weak or is lacking i would have strong support work so my project wouldn't be given a low mark.

Analysis/Design Ideas

I have printed off many exsisting posters that are on the internet for other film based minimal posters, i have printed them and analyised them, by completing this exercise i have learned what makes a good proffessional poster, i have got these in my sketch book.
I have also started to sketch some of my own designs, out of my designs i will select one design that i will use as my final design, i have analyised my work so i can design better posters.

Minimalist movie posters


This video shows some good examples of minimalist potsersd, by watching this video i have learned that just because it is a minimalist poster it doesnt mean i can not get creative, it also has made me aware that i am not restricted to think out of the box on my own design.

What makes a good film based minimalist poster?

The following points ouline what makes a eyecatching, appealing, attractive film based minimalist poster....

> Must have same or simular colour theme to film
> Have a even balance of text and image
> Shouldn't be cluttered with too many images
> Have a decent amount of white space, this is vital as is it minimal
> Shouldnt be too litral Example: have an image of the incredable hulk if the film the poster is on is the Hulk
> Put names of Producers/Directors as some be fairly recognised

If i stick to these principles then i will create a professional high standard minimalist poster.

What is a minimilist poster?

The objective of a minimalist poster is just to be exactily that, minimal. My project requires me to design a minimal film poster, it can be of any film, the whole point of this poster is to have a poster that has bearly anything on and from a first look at the poster the veiwer can straight away link the poster to the film in which it is based around.

Film Ideas.....
> Hulk
> Monsters Inc
> Finding Nemo
> Scarface
> The Inbetweeners
> Scooby Doo
> 4 lions
> The Pirates of the caribbean

Out of all these films i have decided to design a minimal poster on Scooby Doo! The reason i have chosen to design a poster on this film is because i have seen this film many times and i believe if i want to do a minimal poster i should at least have seen the film to be able to produce a effective, appealing and strong poster. --