Thursday 17 November 2011

Research into minimalist posters

In todays session we were also given our new project, the project is about minimalist posters, i did some basic internet research this is my secondary research, i found that a minimalist poster has basic shapes or images that if seen by a 3rd party person they would immediately link that poster to the film it is based upon, i will blog some examples of some minimalist posters.
by conducting my research i have found that you should limit yourself to the number of colours that you use, 2 or 3 at the maximum, the reason you do this because you don't want your poster to look busy, you still should keep the simple theme running through it. You should also try to use things that don't give it away such as having the main character on the front of the poster.

Primary & Secondary Research Techniques

Today we went through different research techniques, the reason we did this was because as a whole class we don't  have enough research in our work. Te types of research we did was Primary and Secondary.

What is Primary research? 
Primary research is research that you have done your self or you have conducted a task for you to come up with the findings you have got, examples of primary research is:
> Questionnaires
> Interviews
> Going to places
> Taking notes
> Talking to people
> Taking pictures

What is Secondary research? 
Secondary research is research that you have found that belongs to someone else  however you use it by interpreting it into your own words. examples of secondary research is:
> Getting information from the internet
> Getting information from books

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Complete Horror Poster

Horror Poster

Today i took the pictures that were taken from a previous session with Steve, i didn't participate in that session because i was away so i used one of my class mates pictures, were had a tutorial of what effects we could use in Adobe Photoshop, these were effects that could make our posters look professional and more so they look as if they represent horror. the types of effects we were shown were how to fade/ blend images into the background, how we could add things on by using layers, how to add text and many other effects like changing the tone or colour by playing with the hue and saturation tools.
I decided that i want my poster to be about a wanted person, so for this reason i had a large title in red saying KILLER and underneith the picture i put WANTED the writing i faded out by using a very light brush tool, the image i also blended in with a light brush tool. i also added different coloured contact lenses by using the wizard selection tool to change the colour of the eyes of my image. overall i found using Adobe very user friendly as i could edit my poster to a high standard and it was just a matter of experimenting.

Poster Ideas

For my horror poster i am going to have a wanted poster, the image will be in the centre and i will have text at the top and at the bottom, the main text will say killer, and at the bottom the poster will say WANTED, the reason i have chose this idea as everyone else will be doing film posters and this will make mine unique from the others.The program i will be using is Adobe Photoshop, and i will complete this poster with in the next session.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Final Review

I have completed my logo, also i have done all my research into what makes a good logo and the types of styles that work well together. During this last term i have increased my knowledge of balancing text and image, also i now have an eye for detail. My logo was for  a tv channel revolving around cars, this is inspired by my intrest for cars. Overall i have enjoyed everything about the course apart from the research however i do understnad the importance of it. I believe my performance and enthusiasm has shown in the quality of work that i have produced and the thought that has gone into my desgins. The part of the course that i have really enjoyed is the designing and drawing part, this is where i can create something that i want.